Friday, May 22, 2009

Windows system restore doesn't function

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May 22, 2009
Windows System Restore doesn't function

Dear CNET members,

Happy Friday! Yesterday evening, I went to my son's school's open house so that their class can show-off all they have accomplished throughout the school year. Wow, what a proud moment it was for me, my wife, and all the other parents to see how much our children have learned! Knowing that my son loves to go to school, I have nobody else to thank but the teachers! So, this thank you goes to all you educators out there who teach from the heart and are making a difference in all our children's lives. Now, let's do a little learning and teaching ourselves and see if we can find a solution to help Jim from Cleveland to get his Windows System Restore utility to work.

Well Jim, the first thing I would like to mention before we go on to other possible solutions is to point out member, Steven Haninger answer to you here.

Steve points out that the message you are getting: "No changes have been made to your computer. Unable to restore." could possibly be perfectly normal and may not be an issue because no changes have been made to your system, so there is nothing to restore it to. In any case, I hope it is as simple as that. However, if this isn't the case, many members chimed in to help you with your System Restore utility issue. Members suggested issues like: using an excessive number of firewalls, firewall conflicts, the use of some registry cleaners, low hard drive space, and even the possibility of having an undetected virus. Even if none of the suggested solutions work, a few members suggested that a work-around is to do a system restore in safe mode. The possible solutions are in discussion threads for you to read, so have at it. And if you have a moment, please let us know what worked for you. Jim, best of luck to you. Have a great weekend folks!

- Lee

Got suggestions? Send me an e-mail:

Lee Koo
Lee Koo
CNET Community manager
Last week's question
Windows System Restore doesn't function
QuestionMy computer still creates restore points (manually and automatically) and it goes through the entire process of restoring, but at the very end (after the restart) it announces "No changes have been made to your computer. Unable to restore." I tried shutting off Restore Option, to clear restore points, but that did not help. Two Registry cleaner programs don't seem to find/fix the problem, either. I have AVG Full Edition running with Zone Alarm's firewall, and Window's Defender running in background. Everything seems to work fine, but if something shows up, I'm in trouble! What could possibly be the cause of this and how can I fix this? Running Windows XP. Thanks!

-- Submitted by: Jim from Cleveland

AnswerFeatured member solutions
for last week's question:

 "I would first have to wonder... "
-- Submitted by: Steven Haninger

 "Too many firewalls... "
-- Submitted by: kstenbch

 "Windows system restore doesn't function "
-- Submitted by: littlemom4455

 "Simple, I think!"
-- Submitted by: HouBob

 "System Restore failure with XP and Zone Alarm "
-- Submitted by: MikeSc2

 "Not a solution, but a workaround "
-- Submitted by: helsharmar

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-- Submitted by: Ted V.

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Do you find Windows System Restore utility to be useful?

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