iPhone OS and SDK 3.1 betas distributed to developers
Jason D. O'Grady: Apple made betas of iPhone OS 3.1 (build 7C97d) and iPhone SDK 3.1 (build 9M2736a) available to developers today on its iPhone Developer Connection Web site. According to QuickPwn.com changes include: The baseband has been updated to 5.08.01 - ultrasn0w users should not use the iPhone OS 3.1 beta, otherwise their iPhones could be permanently locked! iPhone 3GS [...]

Tue Jun 30 21:30:46 PDT 2009
Weird iPhone apps
Jason D. O'Grady: With Apple’s wildly-popular App Store cresting 50,000 apps available for download, it was inevitable that a flew clunkers would slip through the cracks. And I’m not talking about about blatant mistakes like Baby Shaker or Hottest Girls, either. During the gold rush to the App Store developers have released several apps that provide little or no [...]

Tue Jun 30 08:35:52 PDT 2009
iPhone 3GS overheating linked to battery
Jason D. O'Grady: iPhone 3GS owners have been reporting problems with some units overheating and becoming too hot to touch. The handsets are getting so warm that the white plastic cases are discoloring to a brownish/pink as seen in the picture above from Ben on the French site Le Journal du Geek. The Inquirer is reporting that the overheating [...]

Tue Jun 30 07:55:07 PDT 2009
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