Friday, July 3, 2009

Week in photos: Arches and canyons and buttes, oh my!

On Road Trip 2009, CNET News reporter travels through eastern Utah and the eastern Arizona border and saw some of the most awe-inspiring natural splendor on Earth.
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July 3, 2009
Arches and canyons and buttes, oh my!
Arches and canyons and buttes, oh my!
On Road Trip 2009, CNET News reporter travels through eastern Utah and the eastern Arizona border and saw some of the most awe-inspiring natural splendor on Earth.
Screenshots: Doom Resurrection on iPhone
Screenshots: Doom Resurrection on iPhone
Scroll through the gallery to witness some of the fun our compatriots at Crave UK had with the game.

Contest pits firefighter against firefighter
Contest pits firefighter against firefighter
In a stop along its nationwide tour, the Firefighter Combat Challenge lays out an obstacle course of climbing, pounding, running, and lifting that puts firefighting teams to the test.
At Air Force Academy, a B-52 tells the story
At Air Force Academy, a B-52 tells the story
A symbol of incredible might and a harbinger of deadly consequences, B-52s were America's long-range bombers for nearly 30 years. They could travel 6,000 miles without refueling and could carry 60,000 pounds of bombs.
Inside Cheyenne Mountain, America's Fortress
Inside Cheyenne Mountain, America's Fortress
On Road Trip 2009, CNET News reporter Daniel Terdiman visits Cheyenne Mountain, known as "America's Fortress" and home to NORAD and a host of other critical military and defense agencies.
NASA's science, tech showcase
NASA's science, tech showcase
A look at the high-tech research and development going on inside the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif.
Top-rated reviews of the week
Top-rated reviews of the week
Here are a few of CNET Reviews' favorite items from the past week, including the AVADirect Clevo D900F Core i7 laptop, the Asus Eee PC 1005HA laptop, and the Iomega eGo 250GB Portable Mac Edition hard drive.
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