Thursday, June 18, 2009

Will crowds flock to iPhone 3G S on Friday? CNET News

This year's launch of the latest model iPhone could be different since many people are not yet eligible to upgrade their phone through their carrier.
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June 18, 2009
Top headlines 
This year's launch of the latest model iPhone could be different since many people are not yet eligible to upgrade their phone through their carrier.
Thu, Jun 18 04:00:00 PDT 2009 | Read full story 

Say good-bye to 3D effects that call attention to themselves. The technology is set to fade into the background as directors strive to use 3D to involve the viewer in a story, not show off what they can do.
Thu, Jun 18 04:00:00 PDT 2009 | Read full story 

Proxy servers, Tor, Firefox plug-ins: the technological arsenal that Iranian Internet users deployed against the country's legendary Net censors.
Wed, Jun 17 17:46:00 PDT 2009 | Read full story 

In a statement prepared for a House hearing on behavioral advertising, the social network highlights the privacy controls that members have over their personal information.
Thu, Jun 18 07:30:00 PDT 2009 | Read full story 

Flaws could let someone bypass security restrictions, shut down an app, disclose sensitive information, conduct attacks, or take over the device, Apple says.
Wed, Jun 17 17:13:00 PDT 2009 | Read full story 

More than half of teens polled say they've used the Internet to cheat at school; 35 percent admit to using cell phones. Some don't even consider it cheating.
Thu, Jun 18 07:30:00 PDT 2009 | Read full story 

Video of the day

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Fastest fingers
in the West

Facebook is trying to improve search, iPhone 3G S is almost here, and how your ability to text like a maniac can actually pay off.

Cutting Edge
Yes, our robot companions are still coming. But a report from NextGen Research shows that consumer-bots are vulnerable to macroeconomic potholes.  Read full story

Google adds a link to its home page describing how to search for interesting results on Google. It's long offered such capabilities, but Bing's bump could have prompted a reminder.  Read full story

Most popular stories 
1. Updated: iPhone OS 3.0 now available
2. Snow Leopard features hint at Apple tablet
3. Scattered reports of iPhone OS 3.0 update problems
4. AT&T loosens its iPhone 3G S upgrade policy
5. Microsoft's Bing has a second good week

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